SKIP NAVIGATION ANE: Office of The Ombudsman will host a press conference on 17 August 2023 - 香港申訴專員公署

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ANE: Office of The Ombudsman will host a press conference on 17 August 2023

16 August 2023

The Ombudsman, Ms Winnie Chiu, will announce the results of two direct investigations at a press conference to be held at 10am tomorrow (17 August). Members of the press are invited to attend the press conference at the venue below:


Conference Room

Office of The Ombudsman

30/F, China Merchants Tower

Shun Tak Centre

168-200 Connaught Road Central

Hong Kong


Visitors who have a fever or respiratory symptoms are advised to wear a face mask before entry.


The press conference will also be broadcast live on the Office’s YouTube channel.


For media enquiries, please contact the External Relations Section by email at