SKIP NAVIGATION ANE: Office of The Ombudsman will host a live webcast of press conference on 17 December 2020 - 香港申訴專員公署

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ANE: Office of The Ombudsman will host a live webcast of press conference on 17 December 2020

15 December 2020

The Ombudsman, Ms Winnie Chiu, will announce the results of two direct investigations at a press conference to be held at 10am on Thursday (17 December). In order to minimise the risk of spreading coronavirus disease 2019, the press conference will be held as a live webcast.


The live webcast will be hosted on the YouTube channel of the Office of The Ombudsman with news updates posted on the Facebook page of the Office in parallel.


For a smooth process, media organisations intending to raise questions during the press conference should contact our External Relations Section before noon on Wednesday (16 December). All registered reporters will be included in a WhatsApp group to be created before the press conference to facilitate their posting of questions on the event day.


Office of The Ombudsman

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