SKIP NAVIGATION The Ombudsman announces an investigation report on Code on Access to Information: "Complaint against BD for refusing to provide investigation reports and other relevant information about alleged defective waste water pipes on the complainant’s premises" - 香港申訴專員公署

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The Ombudsman announces an investigation report on Code on Access to Information: “Complaint against BD for refusing to provide investigation reports and other relevant information about alleged defective waste water pipes on the complainant’s premises”

20 May 2020

The Ombudsman, Ms Winnie Chiu, announced an investigation report relating to Code on Access to Information, namely “Complaint against Building Department for refusing to provide investigation reports and other relevant information about alleged defective waste water pipes on the complainant’s premises”.


For details, please visit the “Code on Access to Information cases” in this site.


Office of The Ombudsman
